As I enter 2025, I've chosen "do hard things" as my mantra for the year. I aim to challenge myself more in the design field and push both myself and, by extension, my clients. Each month, I acquire four to five books on topics like design, global textiles, inspiring kitchens, and interior details. I read, evaluate, and then dive into the next book. However, what truly solidifies my understanding is applying that knowledge to a project.
In 2024, we created CNC paneled elm walls, an Indonesian-inspired carved limestone fireplace, hand-chipped vanities, oversized graphic stone tile for a primary bath, and a Chicago-inspired distillery. A year ago, our studio partnered with Dunis Studio to design a monochromatic flora backsplash for a custom kitchen. These interior design concepts stem from years of research and continuous refinement—much like a metal smith honing his blade, I refine my mind with the realm of design..
I am eager to design more interior spaces and further push the boundaries of design—truly, anything can be built and designed. Here's to 2025 and raising the bar even higher.